2017 Kum, Vawleicung Mirum pawl (15) an thim mi hna

1. Bill Gate (U.S)

Co-founder, Microsoft

Kum : 60
Neih Zat : $86 Billion

2. warren Buffett

CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Kum : 85
Neih Zat : $75.6 Billion

3. Jef Bezos (U.S)

CEO, Amazon

Kum : 53
Neih zat : $72.8 Billion

4. Amancio Ortega (Spain)

Co-founder, Zara

Age : 81
Net Worth : $71.3 Billion

5. Mark Zuckerberg (U.S)

Co-founder and Ceo, Facebook

Kum : 33 
Net Worth : $56 Billion

6. Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico)

Chairman, America Movil

Kum : 77
Neih zat : $54.5 Billion

7. Larry Ellison (U.S)

Co-founder, Oracle 
Kum : 72
Neih zat : $52.2 Billion

8. (Aitluk). Charles Koch (U.S)

CEO, Koch Industries

Kum : 81 
Neih Zat : $48.3 Billion

9. (Aitluk). David Koch (U.S)

Excutive Vice President, Koch Industries

Age : 77
Neih Zat : $48.3 Billion

10. Michael Bloomberg (U.S)

CEO, Bloomberg

Kum : 75
Neih Zat : $47.5 Billion

11. Bernard Arnault (France)

Chairman le CEO, Louis Vuitton

Kum : 68
Neih Zat: $41.5 Billion

12. Larry Page (U.S)

CEO, Google

Kum : 43 
Neih Zat : $39.8 Billion

13. Sergey, Google 

President, Google

Kum : 43
Neih Zat : $39.8 Billion

14. Liliance Bettencourt (France)

Owner, 33 percent of L'oreal

Kum : 94
Neih Zat : $39.5 Billion

15. Rob Walton (U.S.)

Chairman, Wal-Mart Stores

Kum : 72
Neih Zat : $34.1 Billion
